"The contents of this web site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps".

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


What you see in the picture is the guy from
Romania beginning the base for what will
be ... for the lady who cooks bread in a hole in
the ground ... an above ground quasi traditional
oven. So, the whole effort is surfacing from a
subterranean time, to a time of what I am kind
of hoping will be, enlightenment.
We started it yesterday and today we finished it
and it looks pretty good. I will post a picture later
on that will show the finished product churning out
it's first in what hopes to be ... lots of bread.
To describe the oven ... it is not so tall, square and
has two shelves to cook in. Really kind of nice.
So this is some type of progress though it is not the
only traditional oven in town. There is a huge one that
was made for a ladies project. Another group project
that failed because they either , ate the goods or gave
out credit to the moochers whom never paid back.
Again, same old story in a group setting. Everywhere
I've been it has been the same.
That's why this lady's above ground oven is a good thing.
She's been cooking pretty inefficiently in a hole in the
ground that consumes gobs of wood to heat up the space.
But she's been in business for the last 6 months. She's
smart enough to know that she needs money to be
able to buy more materials to make more bread.
The hope is that this oven will at least cut down her
consumption of wood by half. Speed up her cooking time
and who knows, with the added free time she may be able
to try cooking new types of things to sell.
Also, tomorrow should be the the debating event between the
learners and the youth who have completed school. It will
be in the newly painted library and it may be not a bad
little activity. Of course in this gig one can't count the chickens
before they hatch, but, also despite that factor, you gotta
have a little hope to keep ya going.
All in all it's getting a little active now and it is one of those
cyclic things, will ride the peak of the wave this it crashes.
Right now in this time of activity I am just hanging ten but
always have the mind open for that possible ... wipe out.

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