"The contents of this web site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps".

Saturday, October 10, 2009


It has been a little while since I last posted an
article and I guess that it can just be said that I
just got lazy.
But, that isn't how it has been in the village since
the last posting. Not that it has been crazy but it
has been somewhat active and for me, a surprise
or two.
Starting with the support group's garden expansion
plan ... well ... we did about 85% of it but to get the
men together for that last 15 ... well ... it has been
at least a month of no shows. The other day I went to
the garden and it was funny because something just
seemed off. The I realized that someone actually worked
on expanding. I was totally surprised that someone
actually took their own initiative, surprise #1. So now,
there is about another 5% to go to finish the whole job.
If the greater forces can roll a lucky 7 for us, then maybe
that last 5% will be finished before the end of the month
or year.
The soccer field is totally done except for one thing. The
thing being that the village's teams would play on it. It has
been completed in full about 2 weeks ago, still no action.
But the orphans have been using it at times and for that
it isn't all too bad. There is a rumor that today the big guys
may finally play, we can only hope.
The Youth Officer has put out notice that the sign ups for
a debating club and a theater group are in effect all next week.
He did that on his own initiative and that is surprise #2 for me.
I have been knee deep into the building/re-building of the
school's library. It is my private project ... I've done the work
... bought the paint ($20 USD) and I have to say that despite
the fact that there is another 2 days work left, looks great.
I know that it doesn't seem to be sustainable as described
so far. The sustainability will come when the students have a
solid clean library/resource center to use. If I waited for the
adults to participate in this project, these kids grandchildren
would still be in the same dingy room. One on my colleagues
has sent me 8 boxes of books, so, the place should be looking
pretty nice and actually have some books too.
Another thing is that the gauntlet has been thrown in regards
to debating. The school's fledgling debating club has accepted
a challenge from a few of the younger people in the village.
This activity will be the kickoff event for the refurbished library.
It should happen either Thursday or Friday. This will be the
first debating event of it's kind.
Also, started working with a church choir. I have just filmed
their practices so that they can watch and hopefully critique their
performances.I am hoping that it will open the door for youth
activities such as AIDS/HIV education and discussions of
behavior relating to it.
So, it has been a fairly productive few weeks with a lot of potential
and hope that things will move is a positive constructive direction.
I have to end here, got to go to work on the library, it has to be
ready for the kickoff debate. I like it, it keeps me busy.

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