"The contents of this web site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps".

Sunday, October 18, 2009

simply rice

That's all you're looking at in the picture. Nothing
spectacular with that batch of rice except ... that it
was cooked in the solar oven we made a while back.
The picture of the solar oven is in a prior article. Click
here to see article and photo of oven
It isn't a big thing, in many places it is old technology
and has been used for a while. Again, except, here it is
the first time anyone has seen anything like a solar oven.
As mentioned in the prior article, it was made by me and
the guy from Romania. He said that he's never seen one,
while I was in Romania I never saw one either. He
wasn't so sure that it would work but today he came
and showed me the cooked rice.
It is a beautiful Sunday here and it has been the best day
It started with the church choir just get better by the week.
They have 3 songs that they are really incredible at. So
that went well.
The test of the solar oven finally happened after 5 weeks
and that worked.
I took a walk into town and saw the lady with the new
brick oven's bread. And it was just beautiful. Cooked
almost to perfection. This is the third day that she's used
the oven. The first day, it was under cooked, second,
over cooked but today ... voila.
Also saw the OVCs (orphans and vulnerable children)
playing soccer on the new soccer field. Then saw
a bunch of young girls playing netball on the court we
Then saw a notice on the wall telling of the upcoming
debate on Wednesday between the school kids and
the younger adults. The topic or motion will be ...
Are the parents important to development of child and
society. We know this is true but it is a topic never
discussed out here and hopefully it will start spreading
food for thought. Many parents here are alcoholics.
Also, I met a few of the San girls who are participating
in a theater group that we've started. The interesting
part is that they are not just mimicking other plays.
We asked them to write their own and there are
four topics. Malaria, HIV/AIDS, teenage pregnancy
and my favorite ... the lazy husband.
For us the most important part is that they are writing
it and it will give us a better insight through their
interpretations. The San (Bushmen) think differently
so the standard messages don't work as well as they
do with other peoples. Hopefully they can tell us how
they see it.
We will be looking for clues as to how to prevent and
deal with those issues.
So, it has been the best day yet but to keep the feet
on the ground, I remember that it can all come crashing
down in a New York minute.
But for today, you can keep New York, I'm liking it
here 70 km from anywhere.

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