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Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday ramblings ...

It is another Friday and today I am taking time
to look back on the past week.

The picture is that of a Sable antelope. I took it when
I went back to Mahangu Game Park with my two
colleagues that visited on their way back from the World
Cup games in South Africa. The same guys that gave me
the infamous vuvuzela. The picture came out kind of
black and white because it was taken in the direction
of the sun but it kind of gives it a nice effect.

This week we had the second part of this year's Polio
campaign. It went well and in the first day (Tuesday)
our clinic was number 1 in the area for the amount of
people who brought their children for the vaccine. So
that was a good start for the past week.

Another good thing was that the people whom came by
and checked on the clinics to see if they were doing the
Polio campaign correctly saw our little film drama we
made to encourage people to bring their children to be
vaccinated for polio. The crazy thing I heard is that they
want us to translate it into English so that they can use it
throughout Namibia. I am kind of in disbelief about that
and I have to see it used somewhere else in the country to
believe it.

It has also been a week of a lot of little things going in a
positive direction. We helped a San person to maybe get
a decent job. It doesn't sound like much but out here in the
bush, it is almost impossible to find a job. It was the
connection that we made with some other people that
allowed this San person to even be considered. Here, every
job that the villagers can get it progress for the community.

At the school a teacher finally started a girls club. We have
talked about from the first day I arrived in the village. I am
a firm believer in participation from the people as it concerns
projects and programs. I attended the first meeting today and
I walked away wondering why it took so long for the teacher
to begin. She did a tremendous job, I am totally impressed
with what she is capable of.

After leaving the meeting I heard the young San cultural group
practicing and went to watch. It was crazy to see how they
were dancing today. They were even better than the last time
I saw them about 2 months ago. I mean the aspect that they
were better in wasn't just technical but it was the spirit that
they put into it. It was so joyous, fun, active and it was only
a practice. It was a great way to finish the week.

Sometimes when things go ok ... we just feel like this is the
greatest thing to be doing. But then, the roller coaster factor
is a part of it and next week ... ma an (San language for ...
who knows) te muo gwe (we will see) what it will be like.
That's why it never gets boring out here.

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