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Monday, May 11, 2009

Women's support group garden

Minus the support, that is. In the picture are some plots of tomatoes that we had to plant. They were ready for transplanting but the group wasn't ready to come together. As I've mentioned in a prior blog entry, they have a good reason for not jumping into the project. The reason was that all of last year's garden money disappeared. The person responsible is still in charge, so there's about a snowball's chance in Haides that it will function with the status quo. In the meantime I go out there daily to water and plant a few more plots with the magician who made the group's money disappear. This is a classical group failure for the classical reason. Probably the only solution is to replace the head honcho but I'm thinking, when. There's been no movement towards action. It is in the wait and see mode. As for me, either way, with or without the group, I'm going to support the consumption of what hopefully will be a great year for tomatoes.

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