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Friday, November 18, 2011

Audio mania

I guess putting audio clips on this blog
is like just getting a new toy. So here is
another one.
I've talked about the San (Khwe) throughout
this blog. I am not sure if anybody has heard
any of the San languages spoken. If you've
seen "The Gods must be Crazy" 1 and 2 then
you have heard the clicks that are used in
their speech.
The San in the "Gods must be Crazy" are not
of the same tribe as the Khwe. I really don't
know which tribe of San the people in the
movies are from.
This morning I asked David (leader of the San
Cultural Group) to say a few words in Khwedam.

In this clip (click here) David is greeting you,
telling his name, where he was born and also
lives (Bwabwata National Park). He also mentions
that some of the animals here are elephants and
a few others. Also he welcomes you to the Park.

Big upcoming happenings are that the village is
going to get electric lines coming in. They are
starting to put up some poles next week. We
had a village generator but that has only worked
for about 2 months in the last year.
The electricity coming is good but at first it is
only going to the government buildings. The
school, the health clinic, police station and
the Youth Office. They said it would take at
least another year to hook up the rest of the
For me, I am finished here in about 7 months
and no 24/7 electric for this kid in this village.
That's life and it's ok. We will keep trucking
on with our little camping generator.

Despite the not going to benefit from the
upcoming electric bonanza, I am happy that
the joint is going to develop. And that's tcaka
tceha (good really). 

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