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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

You can call me Ray ...

Or you can calk me Jay. It is an old skit from, I believe, the 70's. In the picture is 'the Romanian guy' who lives in the village. I have referred to him as 'the Romanian guy' throughout this blog. In a blog comment a friend from Romania made a good point. Was the Romanian guy's name too difficult to pronounce? Is that why I always called him 'the Romanian guy'? If that was so, I could just call him Bob. I think that is a great idea, so from now on I will call him 'Bob the Romanian guy'. Bob is a great person and we have done a lot of work together for the village. By the way, his real name is Luca and he is from the Moldova region of Romania. But when it comes to names my father said it best. Call me anything, just don't call me late for supper.


bogdan said...

LOL - your father seems to be a very wise man :)

thanks for coining "Bob the Romanian guy" - it sounds great :D But you can tell him that Luca is a great name and, by the way, tell him "La multi ani" for yesterday it was Saint Luca, ergo his name's day.

ian said...

Great job! Thanks for sharing your story! I can't wait to hear more when I get to actually talk for more than a minute! You look awesome by the way - I hope you feel better too.