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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Two out of three ...

That may be deemed the name of the picture if
I had to give it a name.

In the village I live at a Catholic Mission and at the
moment there is a German priest (in the foreground)
and in back of him is a guy who is doing some volunteer
work and he is from the Netherlands. At the time of
the picture being taken we were watching Germany
beat England 4-1. So the priest from Germany was
happy. The guy from Netherlands still has something
to look forward to and me, from the USA, well we
probably all know by now that is where the two out
of three comes from.

Last night we watched the good game between Ghana
and the USA. I had a little side bet with the guy from
the Netherlands just to keep it interesting. So, when he
won I told him that I will put the money in the basket
in church the next day and if he wanted it, he could get
it from there. But, that was just joking and in the end
the money ended up in the church's basket anyway.

World Cup is a big thing here and with it being held in
our neighbor's country it seems pretty close to home.
It is fun watching with people from other countries and
in different places. Out in the bush of Namibia is pretty
different and exciting to be around the people watching
the game.

I guess rooting for Germany seems like a fairly good bet
but my emotions are for Ghana. Yeah they beat the
States but being a good loser leads to a lot less stress.

As far as the village goes the main point this week was
that we tried to get the TV affiliate to come here and
install an antenna so that we can watch the basic
national TV channel. We wrote a solicitation in January
with no answer (so that kind of lead us to believe that
it wasn't an all too popular request) and received no
answer. Last Friday a young man whom delivered
the request went to town to follow up. I text messaged
him for some info as I was really curious about the
outcome. The text I sent went like this ... Tsaka venu
tsaka ve. In San (Khwedam, one of at least five San
languages) it means ... good or bad ... the answer I
got was ... tsaka ve. By the way to pronounce
tsaka ve is like this ... chaka vay. Not good, but I
will see him maybe tomorrow and find out what the
reason for the failure to install was. Maybe (enu ...
in Khwedam) we can try another strategy. The
channel would just make this place develop faster
than anything else anyone could do. But ...

The work this week was slow as we had a tragedy.
A young girl died and it was a needless tragic event
and the whole village basically slows down when
someone passes. There was a lot of sadness, that's
for sure.

Well, that is it for now, maybe next week will be better.

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