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Thursday, August 4, 2011

semi traditional

In the picture is a traditional piece used
by the village's San cultural group.

The skirt is tied around the waist and
the beaded area is worn over the behind.
When the girls are dancing the beads
move and it adds kind of maracas sound
to the songs.

The one in the picture is actually a mixture.
The yellow pieces are reeds and are
actually traditional for the Mbukushu people.
They are a Bantu language speaking tribe.
The other pieces are porcupine quills.

The San (Khwe) people are Khoesan
speaking and their traditional pieces
are the porcupine quills.

For the Young San Traditional Dance
Group we have about 6 of those at this
time. We are in the process of trying to
change the reeds to the quills.

To get the quills is not easy and it is more
about people happening to find them. So,
it is going to be a process to outfit the 6
skirts with the quills.

It will take time. Things move slow out here
in the bush.

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