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Friday, April 15, 2011

Tuning ...

In the picture you can see one of the drummers
from the Young San Cultural Group tuning our
second and newest drum.

Now the group is fully equipped with their own
drums and there is more to come to outfit the
group to be as traditional as possible.

Even though we are striving to have all the traditional
items, it doesn't mean that the songs and dances
will be totally traditional.

These are young kids and they are creative. They
have made new songs and new dances themselves.
It is fun to see the old traditional songs to keep
the 'old ways' going but it is encouraging to see the
young people creating and making for the future
generations, their version of their now culture.

The drum head is made from a goat skin. Depending
on some factors, the skin gets stretched out a bit,
at times. So, to tighten it up it just requires making
a fire and placing the drum near the fire, as seen
in the picture.

The girl is actually beating the drum and will remove
it from near the fire when she gets the skin tightened
to where it makes the sound she's looking for.

Tomorrow night's plan for having a night time performance
by the group is still on. We bought some maize meal
to make some porridge and will make a sauce to
go with it.

The program is simple. We cook some food while the
dancers dance. We formally break out the two new
drums, hopefully some of the villagers will come out
and it will keep them away for drinking for a little

It will be the first time for this activity in the village since
'the old days'. Well, that's what I've been told.

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