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Saturday, November 14, 2009

66 Impala and the real thing

In something like1976 or so, I had a great looking
1966 Chevrolet Impala. It was a beautiful mint
green color. It needed a little work but with a
few hundred dollars, at the time, it was like brand
This weekend I went to the Buffalo Game Park.
I've been there before a few times and it was probably
for the last time as my colleague who has been there for
the last year, is winding down her service.
Today, we went on a game drive at a park across
the river from her location.
It was a pretty decent day and we saw a lot of
animals. But didn't see elephants or giraffes
or lions.
There were warthogs, kudu, tsessebe, buffalo, sable,
roan, hippos, baboons, vervet monkeys, zebra,
wilderbest. reed buck, water monitor, african fish eagle,
wartled crane and of course impala.
In the picture above you can see a female impala,
really a beautiful animal. Two of them ran by the
front of the vehicle and it was a tremendous sight
to see them jump. It was so graceful an action.
The best part was that the animals were in herds,
so, it wasn't isolated instances here or there.
It was a herd of buffalo here and 100 yards later,
a group of baboons and so on.
It was a great way to spend the time with a good
friend before their departure.
It is funny that even when I had that '66' Impala
it was just a name that identified a car. After seeing
the real thing, I can see the similarities and just like
the animal itself that '66' was just a sleek old
It was kind of crazy that when I saw the herd of
impalas and the first thing I said to my friend was ...
I had a '66' Impala.
Over 30 years later I got to come face to face
with ... the real thing.

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