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Friday, April 27, 2012

Djwara progress

The time is really winding down now. There is just
about a week left.

The only activity left to do is finish the djwara/cultural
center project. It doesn't look like it will actually be totally
finish as I mentioned in the last blog post.
But it will be finished enough for me and I will leave

As you can see in the picture, the fence of poles are
almost all installed. In the back there is a section that
needs to be completed but all the poles are there and
it is a matter of just planting them.

Today is Friday and it is the last weekend for me in the
village so ... if anything is going to happen on the
djwara it will happen this weekend.

The big hope that I have is that tomorrow we will be able
to construct one of the traditional huts. So, I guess
'we'll see' is the mantra for that hope-wish.

There have been some pretty good changes going on
in the village over the last few months. One big one
is that they installed two 10,000 liter water tanks for
the school. The school had been struggling for a
decent water supply for years. It took a demonstration
from the students to get it fixed.
It was really a combination of efforts by the school's
assistant principal and the students that got it the
attention it needed to get action.
But it was David, the leader of the San Cultural
Group who talked to the students and told them, that
if they wanted to get something done then they
had to get active, to light the spark. It worked and
the students refused to go to classes for 3 days,
threatened to contact the TV station and the newspaper.
It got it going, miraculously it got priority from those
responsible .

With a week left I am feeling pretty good about the
village and I am very optimistic about it's future. There
seems to be more people discussing the issues
concerning the development of their part of the

It is a gift to see this, I can leave feeling good
about the future of the friends I will leave behind.

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