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Saturday, September 3, 2011


In the picture is what is for dessert
The weather in the southern hemisphere
is starting to change and the sun is
beginning to get a bit stronger day by
This gives us the opportunity to get more
creative with our solar oven menu as we
have more heat to work with.
What me and my site mate made were
these rolls. There are two types thanks
to a care package. We have blueberry
and raisin.
With the limited supplies we have out
in the bush it takes a little creativeness
to put anything other than rice and sardines
in our plates.
It is a simple recipe and if anyone is interested
here it is ...

-1 and half cups of flour
-1 package of cinnamon oatmeal
half teaspoon of salt
-1 to 1 and a half tablespoon(s) of yeast
- over room temperature of water or warm to touch

knead that together and let sit in warm place for
about half an hour.

Then the key to this is to roll it out using an old
ketchup bottle into a semi thin sheet. (The
bottle is the only thing we had to roll the
dough out). Just joking and anything to roll
out is obviously ok.

Next ingredients are ...
- cinnamon
- sugar
- blueberries
- raisins

Sprinkle a generous amount of cinnamon and
sugar on the top. Then add the raisins and
blueberries. Roll them up them cut them into
pieces like in the photo.

We put them in the solar oven for a few hours
but now the sun is overhead and the oven
is really hot. So don't know how that would
translate into a regular oven temperature.

But it came out great, it is a little treat and
despite being out here in the middle of nowhere,
with a bunch of sun, it can be done.

1 comment:

Bene said...

It's amazing how appreciative one can become about food when one is out of one's element. I bet you guys really relished those pastries.