"The contents of this web site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps".

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Early morning excitement

Saturday mornings are usually kind of slow.
There isn't any school so there aren't learners
moving about. At this time of the year the
people are still out in the fields so the
central part of the village resembles a
ghost town on the weekends.
This morning I happened to step out and
go the one of the village's little shops
called (kuka shop). Just needed to get a
few things and it was a glorious morning,
sun out, no clouds and just the right
As I was walking back home all of a sudden
came this drone of what I thought was an
airplane. Lo and behold coming in from the
east was what you see in the picture above.
Our village is an old military base converted
to a settlement/village. So we have this really
official sized landing strip that still survives
in good condition approximately 35 to 40
years after it was put down.
I was told that several years ago that the Klitscho
brothers (boxing champions) actually landed
here as part of a promotion they made for
some organization.
But today it wasn't any boxing champions, just
two German guys that are working doing some
aerial research. They needed to refuel and
was on their way back from the DRC (Democratic
Republic of Congo). Eventually they will go back
to where they originated their journey somewhere
in South Africa.
They were very personable guys and they gave
balloons to the kids that you see in the picture.
It was an unexpected moment of excitement
for the village on a Saturday morning and it
killed and hour of time.
So if you have a landing strip in your backyard
you have to expect people to drop in once
in a while, isn't that safe to say?

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