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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Being from the USA and here out in the bush
of Namibia on a Thanksgiving Day makes one
go out and try to do something a little special.

In the picture is our Thanksgiving Day meal. No
turkey, gravy or stuffing. There's none of that out
here 70 km (46 miles) from anywhere.

We just have to make do. We put this little quick
and simple feast together. We, as in me and my new
site mate Gretchen.

The bread is actually a Romanian recipe called gogos.
The s at the end of the word should have a little 's'
underneath it to give it a 'shuh' sound. They are
really good and actually make a little pocket to allow
a filling if desired.

In the bowl is an 'out in the bush what you got' recipe.
It is cooked dried split peas with sardines in chili sauce
added in are some salt, pepper and ketchup.

It came out ok and was a good meal. Bob the Romanian
guy came over and we had a nice little Thanksgiving day.

In this case it wasn't the food that was the center of this
Thanksgiving for us out here in the bush, it was the
people we were with.

For me, I will always remember Thanksgiving Day 2010.
It was me, Gretchen, Bob the Romanian guy and a
pile of gogos.


Anonymous said...

Happy Thansgiving!!!! from Austin Texas and Laredo Texas

Pat Owen said...

Thinking of you on Thanksgiving and happy you're having a good one!