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Thursday, August 19, 2010

They were rocking ...

The young San cultural group are practicing for their
trip next week to Botswana and the Kuru Cultural
I have been attending many of their repetitions and
have to say that today's was the best yet. They were
super-charged and did a tremendous job. If they can
maintain the intensity over the weekend's practices then
they will be in great shape at the festival.
It was a really great experience as they started a little
late and as you can see in the picture is was at dusk
when I snapped the shot. Dusk just seems like the right
time for these things.
When I am there to see these events it just always reminds
of how great it is to be in villages and places that are so
different from where I came from. Nothing spectacular
or expensive, just really down to earth, all in another

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