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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Looking back at the week ...

It is another Saturday and the time to look
back on the past week.
As far as it went, it was ok. Nothing excitingly
crazy happened. At this time of the year, it is the
nature of the activity level.
We did make some progress in the age old (since
I arrived at the end of April) effort to make a health
oriented DVD in the San language (for this San
group - it is Khwedam).
The first disk will consist of HIV/AIDS information.
The basic idea is to have an introduction, then information
about what HIV is and does. The next step should be
about prevention and ARV's and adhering to the regimen.
Also, an explanation of the testing process and a talk
on misconceptions.
To conclude, it will be addressing behavioral change.
It is the original plan but we are open to changes and
after we get the basic DVD in place and watch it, then
we will add or adjust as needed. So far, we have the
male and female condom and adhering to ARV's
finished. For me, I am ecstatic that we have accomplished
this. Eight months to get this done ... I think I can spell
the word patience, even if it drives me nuts sometimes.
Also, what happened this week, learning to make
the Elephant Chili Bomb (exactly the prior article). Will
I need to use it, here maybe as we are in the middle of
a game reserve, outside of here, course not. But it is
kind of cool that I may be able to impress the people
back home with this knowledge. Or maybe it will be
a Trivial Pursuit question ... or just a trivial pursuit.
Now to refer to the picture above. Last Tuesday I went
back to the game park which is about 80 km or 50
miles away from here. I went with the two Romanian
guys whom are living in the village. They never have
been there and I was happy for the chance to go back.
This time we saw a giraffe and it was different from the
last time due to the rains that have just started to fall.
It is amazing what kind of transition the bush has
made with just very little rain. For that the animals
were able to hide some.
What we did see was the flow of life through the
little baby Impalas who were with their mothers. I
guess the timing of their birth fits the rhythm of the
when the rains return. It was a sight to see.
Other than that, it was just one of those weeks.
But there was some progress, and so it goes.

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