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Saturday, September 26, 2009

A day of firsts ...

Today was the first day that it's rained since I
arrived here in Namibia at the end of last February.
It was getting kind of old the hot dry days.
Here it is two seasons the dry and the rainy.
Namibia is one of the driest countries but we are
up in the northern region where it rains a bit more.
It was really refreshing as the rain cooled us down
and washed away the dust.
It will make gardening a lot easier and turn all the brown
to green. It should be interesting to see the transition which
I heard comes pretty quick.
So for me it was the first day of experiencing rain in Namibia.
But I think that it was also a day of firsts for a lady from the
village. While I was walking along admiring the rain and watching
the lightning bolts, a lady whom went out in the bush to collect
some natural ingredients for her lunch, got struck by lightning.
I doesn't appear to have been a direct hit because she is
alive and they brought her to the hospital for basically, observation.
I am thinking that this was her lucky day, not by getting struck,
but by surviving it.
It is amazing to think that in about the 3rd or 4th lightning bolt
of the new rainy season, someone gets zapped.
I know that I am living amongst the San (Bushmen) people
but is this a 'The Gods must be Crazy part 4 or 5'?
But all joking aside it is good that the lady survived and it just
seems like that's the way it goes out in the bush and it is just
probably all in a day's day.
A funny thing comes to mind. That is, is that there is probably
a better chance of getting struck by lightning out here than
getting a two hour project completed in less than six months.
So today was the day of a few firsts, but out here in the middle
of the bush one always has to be knowing that another first
is just around the corner.

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