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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

School garden starts

In the picture is a few corner plots of the school's
new vegetable garden. It isn't a new concept for the
school as in the past they've had other ones. But
it has been a few years since the last one so this,
is a good thing.
It is also part of a hands on approach to the subject.
As the San (Khwe) heritage is that of hunter/gatherers,
but now they are transforming into agriculturalists. So, for
the younger generation to get some experience and
knowledge in vegetable gardening, is almost a must.
In the woman's support group garden we have some
tomato plants ready to be planted and we will donate
a bunch to get the school garden off to a quick start.
This way the kids will have a little action in the plant
growing area, right away. We also gave them some
onion and hot pepper seeds that they will be able to
use to start some seed beds.
Hopefully the fence they built will keep the pigs out
but again, that is also part of learning.
To change over to village happenings. Tomorrow we
are going to begin the new soccer field. We would
have started sooner but the majority (or about all)
of the people whom would participate were off at
the bars drinking. As mentioned in other blog entires,
drinking is the biggest problem here. Hopefully we
can at least slow that down some.
There was a Ms. Omega contest last Saturday night
and I missed it. When I asked which girl won the answer
I got was ... a girl from the school. So I asked again, which
girl from the school and again got the answer ... a girl from
the school. Ok I said, does the girl from the school have
a name. The answer I got was ... get this ... a girl
from the school.
So either this was another rendition of the Abbott and
Costelo who's on first skit or the girl actual name is ...
a girl from school. But I held to the sanctity of the old
American pastime and figured that three strikes your
out. So, heck if I know who won.
Other than that it's been a little slow but the woman's garden
is going along pretty well but suffers from too much
shade. I've been getting involved at the school more and
with the main goal of helping them get the maintenance
of the buildings improved.
There are challenges there and also a little slump in morale
but I am hoping that my participation will help that some.
Today we actually talked about some maintenance issues
and did some work. But there needs to be a plan in place
and it looks like that will be something that is going to
require patience.
I guess so far this week it is one of those lulls that one gets
during the Peace Corps tour. That happens and sometimes
all too many times more than a volunteer's liking.
Tomorrow there is a little hope that it will be a little more
active day as again, we will work on the soccer field, get those
tomato plants to the school and search for some cement
to fix holes in the school building walls. We need to repair
them before we put on some paint that the people from Scotland
If all that happens tomorrow then it will have been a good day.

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