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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day in Windhoek

Windhoek is the capital of Namibia. It is about 45 miles from Okahandja and we went there to pick up some things that we'll need in our sites. We went to a mall (in photo) and in my case, it was a last opportunity to experience these types of creature comforts for a while. I will be in a village at least 450 or more miles away from that mall, and a world away. It will be walking a quarter to get water. It will be sitting by the cooking fire and trying to understand a new language. It will be cold showers/bathing and going to sleep early because the generator that produces electricity for 8 hours a day is turned off 9 at night. So, one last day with luxury was an OK thing. What I've learned is that the key to a happy life is the ability to live with or without and in one's heart of hearts ... it is the same.

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