"The contents of this web site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps".

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Omega, soon to be new home

I've just finished spending a week visiting my new site. It is called Omega and has a population of about 4000. The majority being the San people or better known as Bushmen. But all toll there has to be at least 6 or 7 different peoples speaking their own languages. There isn't any internet there but I've been able to configure my cell phone to allow me to post articles to this blog. The picture you see is of some of the San that I was hanging out with a few days ago. I also must mention that it is 45 miles in one direction and 50 in the other to any town. It is in the middle of a game reserve. The name which I can't spell at this moment. I will post the name later on. We did see an elephant on the way in and of course the battery on the phone died ( also has a built in digital camera ). But there will be more opportunities within the next 2 years to get that shot, I'm sure.


Anonymous said...

what kind of phone is it

bogdan said...

paul, it's great to see that you've arrived OK... how's the temperature? do you have clean water supply, how are they? how different is that from nadlac LOL?