"The contents of this web site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps".

Sunday, March 14, 2010

2 week review

It's been over two weeks since the last entry and
it has been a very busy and positive period.
Where do I start ... let me start with the animal
sightings. I've gone to Katima twice and at this
time of year, that means a tremendous chance of
seeing animals.
It is quite a sight to come over an horizon and see
ostriches or elephants just standing in the middle
of the road. There were 2 pairs of ostriches, two a
dark color and the other 2, a light gray.
But for me, there is a never ending awe of seeing
wild elephants only 20 meters/yards away from the
vehicle. It is like they are in one's backyard and they
are beautiful animals.
The last movie that we made about multiple partners
and HIV is still a hit. To me it is amazing that they
watch the half-hour film 3 or 4 times in a row. But
the best part is that they always seem to discuss
something about it.
The youth leadership group who planned the Valentine's
Day activity are planning an activity for the upcoming
Independence Day which is the 21st of this month.
That group is doing great things, it should be a fun
time with a Mr. & Miss Independence Day competition.
Also a group dance, eating, drinking and other types
of competitions. They will also have a 3 day soccer
tournament and a guy coming to give a Kwaito dance
exhibition. Kwaito is a type of dance music that's
popular here and in South Africa.
The kids at the school have finally started computer
classes and of course it's not without a struggle as
the classes lasted about 10 days till the generator broke,
again. So hopefully it will be fixed but the computer
room is finally open for business and it would be
better with electricity.
Another great thing is that the girls are playing netball
almost daily and the boys are playing volleyball about
3 times a week. I am happy about this seeing as the
goal is to get the kids out of the bars some and get
them in a healthy lifestyle.
The older San cultural group is writing a proposal to
get outfitted with about everything traditional like
bows and arrows and all those things so that they
can go to the local tourists lodges and do some shows.
It will be an income generating activity and also it
fits into the transitioning from the old ways to the new
It is funny because as we were writing the list of traditional
objects, I was mentioning things that the actual San kids
didn't know about. Like how they used ostrich shells as
canteens. They were amazed that I knew that stuff ... I
told them, all I did was read it in a book. But it proves
the importance of such groups so as not to lose the
knowledge from what is really a short time ago, something
like a generation or so removed from the hunter/gatherer
Another great thing is the younger San kids cultural group.
We filmed about 6 dances yesterday and they were
fantastic. So much energy and enthusiasm. We will do
like we did for the choir group. Put a compilation
together and then make a DVD for each dancer and
It has just been a real good time these last few weeks.
Still haven't solved all the problems and in fact, it's not
even close to that, but, there are a lot of positive signs
and it seems that there is a change in energy and it
fits right into the goal of behavior change.
Oh yeah, I have to go to the capital and I won't be
here for the Independence Day festivities. I'll just try
and get the scoop from the people here.
So, as they say in western Romania ... ceau/ciao